The Evolution of Zoo School: Preschool Adventures at RWPZ


Zoo School Preschool Adventures Providence Moms BlogRight before my daughter’s third birthday, I found out about a program at Roger Williams Park Zoo.  I now realize it is called Preschool Adventures, but for the last two year (and for probably forever) I’ve lovingly referred to it as “Zoo School.” We’ve attended most of the sessions offered each year and I’m always excited for the next class. Here’s how it works: each month, an animal is highlighted. The class consists of four main sections: circle time talking about the animal, craft time where we make a craft associated with the animal, animal encounter where a small animal (usually not the animal of the month) is brought into the classroom for an up-close interaction, and finally walking to the exhibit in the zoo of the animal. We’ve learned about snow leopards, giraffes, elephants, red pandas, and so many others (and now you know why they bring in a small cuddly animal and not the animal of the month). 

As we approach our final class I’ve taken the time to reflect on the last 3 years of classes.  Here are the lessons I’ve learned.

zoo school preschool adventures Providence Moms Blog

Year 1 – Our kids are 3 years old

Expectation: Our adorable tiny children will meet new kids, learn about cute animals, and of course will sit nicely and listen.
Outcome: Our children turned three; our expectations were lofty. Every class the phrases “stop that,” “sit still” “if I have to say this again WE ARE LEAVING” could be heard more than I care to admit.

Year 2 – Our kids are 4 years old

Expectation/Prayers: Please let us make it through ONE class without threatening to leave!
Outcome: Woo hoo — they are sitting on the rug!!! (Well, they sat for a little bit, which let’s face it, is a win!)

Year 3 – Our kids are 5 years old

Expectation: Our kids are going to be the oldest and therefore they should show the little kids how to be good….right?
Outcome: They sit, they listen, they answer EVERY question (even the ones not asked) and they provide commentary on everything.  Sadly, they avoid the small children and have little to no interest in mentoring them.

Here’s the thing, the biggest problem with these classes isn’t that our children don’t sit still and give undivided attention because realistically they are three to five years old. Children at that age don’t give anything undivided attention. The issue was our expectations. We expected them to act and learn as an older child might. Through it all, the teacher Miss Makenzie (a SAINT) never yelled or pulled them aside because she had known they wouldn’t sit still or listen to every fun fact or lesson she had planned. Her patience and calm nature had a way of capturing the attention that they had the capability to devote to her.


zoo school Preschool Adventures Roger Williams Park Zoo

By adjusting expectations we can change the feel of our experiences. They are only little once and it’s a good thing because I’m not sure I could relive the threenager year!

Find the class listing here!